Join the Band!

Welcome to the Stambaugh Middle School Band!

Check these videos to learn about the band program and why you should join!

Then, scroll down through this page for tons of cool information!

(The videos make take a minute to load. Be patient! They're doing their best!)

Be Part of the Band

Check out this video to see why you should be in band! It also shows you all the different instruments that you can play! There's flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, bassoon, trumpet, French horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion. See which one's you like, and then scroll down to learn more about them.

Parent Video

Parents, this video is for you! Hear from other parents about their experiences with their children joining the band program at their school.

Anyone can play an instrument!

You don't have to know how to play an instrument to join band. Mr. Robinson will teach you everything!

There are so many instruments to choose from, and I know I will be able to put you on an instrument that you love! 

 Check out these videos to learn all about each instrument!

The Woodwind Family

If you pick a woodwind instrument, you will start on either the flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, or saxophone.

But, all of these woodwind instruments are special! They all have "sister instruments" - instruments that look like them, but are either smaller or bigger than the instruments that you first picked and learned on. When you get up to high school or college, you will be able to try the sister instruments out (unless you're REALLY lucky and your middle school teacher needs you to cover one!).

All of the instruments and sister instruments have the same fingerings - meaning if you learn an E flat on the oboe, you play E flat the same way on the English Horn. Whichever instrument is SMALLER will sound HIGHER, and whichever instrument is BIGGER will sound LOWER.


A thin instrument that makes sound when you blow air across a hole. It can be made of metal or wood.


A woodwind instrument that you play by blowing air between two small pieces of reed. It has a special, clear sound.


A long, black instrument with a single reed that can play soft low notes and bright high ones.


A shiny, brass instrument with a reed, known for its cool sounds in jazz and other music.


A big, woodwind instrument with two reeds. It plays deep sounds and often carries the bass part.

The Brass Family

Brass instruments can be some of the LOUDEST instruments in the band or orchestra! Most of them have valves (like buttons), while the trombone uses a slide.

All brass instruments are different from every other instrument family for two reasons: how they make their sound (called buzzing) and mutes (things you can put into the instrument's opening that totally change the way they sound).


A shiny, brass instrument that makes loud and clear sounds when you blow into it and press its buttons (valves).

French Horn

A brass instrument with a smooth sound. You play it by blowing into it and changing pitch with your hand and buttons.


A brass instrument that slides to make different pitches, known for its strong and varied sounds.


Looks like a small tuba and has a deep, rich sound. You change notes by pressing its valves.


The biggest brass instrument, making the lowest sounds and often plays the bottom part of the music.

The Percussion Family

The percussion section is broken down into two big groups of instruments: Pitched Percussion and Non-pitched Percussion.

Percussionists play BOTH types, and there are tons of different instruments within each type!

Pitched Percussion

Instruments like the xylophone that make different notes when you hit them, used for tunes.

Non-pitched Percussion

Instruments like drums that make sounds without a specific note, used for keeping the beat.

Meet Mr. Robinson, your band teacher! 

My name is Mr. Robinson, and I am thrilled to be your band director here at Stambaugh Middle School! (Some of you might remember me from when I visited your elementary school dressed as a banana.) This is my sixth year teaching here, and I am excited to share my love of music with all of you.

I grew up in Lakeland right here in Polk County. I attended Valleyview Elementary, Lakeland Highlands Middle, and the IB program at Bartow High. My journey with music began in 6th grade when I joined the band, and I haven’t stopped playing since.

I hold a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Florida Southern College and a Master of Music Education degree from Florida State University. Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of performing in various bands, orchestras, choirs, and small ensembles.

I love to travel, and I’ve to many places across the United States, including Tennessee, Colorado, New York, Ohio, and Hawaii. I’ve also had the opportunity to explore countries like Italy, Germany, Czechia, Ireland, Scotland, and England.

Last year, I married my wonderful wife, who also went to Florida Southern College. She works as a graphic designer for a major lottery company. We share our home with two adorable cats, Apollo and Athena.

In addition to music, I am a huge nerd. I enjoy video games, anime, and sci-fi movies, TV shows, and books. But above all, my greatest passion is music, and I am excited to be your teacher this year.

Let’s make this year a fantastic one filled with music, learning, and fun!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to know how to play an instrument before joining the band?

No, you don't need to know how to play an instrument before joining. Mr. Robinson will teach you everything from the very beginning.

How do I choose which instrument to play?

That's up to you! Did you check out all of those videos above? Which ones did you like? Mr. Robinson will help make sure you get the instrument that's perfect for you.

What if I already play one of these instruments?

Great! You'll fit right in!

Is it expensive to be in the band?

There can be some costs, like renting an instrument and buying your band book, but Mr. Robinson is always willing to help anyone who needs it. Don't let money stop you from joining!

Do I have to practice a lot?

Yes, practicing is a big part of being in the band. You’ll need to practice regularly at home to improve. But don't worry! Even 15 minutes each day will make you a superstar in no time!

Will being in the band take up all my free time?

Nope! Being in the band does require a commitment, including practices and performances, but you'll still have tons of time for friends and other activities. Many students in band are also in other sports and clubs!

Can I join the band if I'm not sure I'll be good at it?

Absolutely! Everyone starts somewhere, and band is a great place to learn and grow. Don’t worry about not being good at first; you'll improve with practice.

Will I have to perform in front of people?

Yes, performing is a part of being in the band, like concerts and school events. It might feel scary at first, but it's also really rewarding and fun!

What if I don't have any friends in the band?

Many students join the band not knowing anyone else, but it's a great way to make new friends. You already have something in common with everyone!

Are there opportunities for solo performances?

Yes, there are often opportunities for solos during concerts, as well as competitions and festivals you can participate in. These can be great ways to challenge yourself and showcase your skills.

What do I do if I need help with my instrument or music?

Always feel free to ask Mr. Robinson or a more experienced band member for help. They’re there to support you, and they want you to succeed!

Band is the best class ever! Just listen to these guys!

Also, check out our Student Memories page!

"Band makes my day!" -Clarissa

"Join band because it's fun!" -Christopher

"Join!" -Antonio

"It's fun!" -Jo'vanni

"You make new friends!" -Odlanyer and Emmanuel

"Join band! It's amazing!" -Lariah

"Join band!" -Kassidy

"Music is cool!" -Serenity and Rhianna

"It would be so awesome! It would be so cool!" -Wyatt

"Big instrument make loud noise!" -Mark

"You need to join!" -Josue

"Join band for the concerts!" -Zayden

"Join band!" -Brylen

"I like the field trips!" -Aaliyah

"Join band! It's fun, and you can play with your friends!" -Elienid and Nevaeh

"You get to meet new people!" -Isabella

"You make new friends!" -Donatello, Easton, Tyler, and Jordan

"Band is awesome!" -Bryson

"It sounds awesome when the music comes together! -Makayla, Lilianna, and Alana

"Band is like a sandwich: great things in one place!" -Jonathan, Blake, and Rogelio

"Join band! It's fun!" -Mox

"Join band!" -Jacarri

"Join! #doit" -Conner

"Join band! It makes you more friends!" -Josue, Jayden, and Malachi

"What if the real band was the friends you made along the way?" -Julian, Tru, and Avery

"Practice makes perfect!" -Alivia

"You can fulfill your dreams!" -Cassi

"Band is so cute!" -Rehonna

"Tuba." -Ayden

"Mr. Robinson is so cool!" -Sally

"Join band if you live for validation!" -Kaylee

"Percussion is better than the rest!" -Suriel

"Low brass is the best!" -Kayden

"Woodwinds are the best!" -Mackenzie

"Band is the best way to learn something new!" -Audrey

"It's fun!" -Jason

"Band is fun!" -Sofia

"I have good friends in here!" -Laleanna

"You get to meet people with things in common!" -Stephen

"You make the best memories!" -Jaedyn

"You make best friends!" -Allison and Lilyanna

"When it's concert time, it's fun time!" -Logan and Omar

"You get to play cool instruments!" -Nathan

"It's cool and a good experience!" -Marvin

Ready to join our band family?

Click here to change your schedule to band and join in on the fun before it's too late!